entrevista radio a investigadores del Instituto Oceanográfico de Santander


Instituto Español de Oceanografía entrevista radio

Comenius Green Skills for Global Change. Salida estudiantes IES Santa Clara al IOE en Santander, Cantabria (España)

Investigación merina en El Bocal, Santander, cantabria, España

Vinculado con el Proyecto Europeo COMENIUS GREEN SKILLS FOR GLOBAL CHANGE, el próximo martes, dos de diciembre de 2014, saldremos dos profesores del Instituto Santa Clara, Eliseo Rabadán (Departamento de Filosofía) y Francisco Javier Alonso del Val (Departamento de Orientación, ámbito científico), junto con un grupo de alumnos de 1º de bachillerato de Ciencias (1ºG) y parte de otro grupo de Ciencias Sociales (1ºC) a conocer la Estación El Bocal, que es un centro de investigación acuícola del Instituto Oceanográfico Español en la localidad de Santander, cercano a la costa cántabra.

Estación El Bocal en Santander, Cantabria, España. Investigación de algas y peces

Estra salida supone profundizar en el modelo de producción de alimentos marinos a partir de lo que podemos llamar granjas marinas, que en Cantabria son pioneras en España, como la situada en la desembocadura del Río Nansa, piscifactoria en la Ría de Tina Menor ( Ayuntamiento de Val de San Vicente). medioambiente2

Los estudiantes harán una breve composición escrita narrando su propia experiencia tras la visita. En el aula se debatirá acerca de las diferencias, ventajas e inconvenientes que existen entre los alimentos marinos procedentes de pesca en el mar y de piscifactorías y/o granjas marinas.

The IBC Internet Bird Collection

Un sitio excelente para ver y conocer todo tipo de aves


flood map rising sea level


Reunion Island Meeting Comenius Green Skills for Global Change 2014 September


Water Management Spain Comenius team IES Santa Clara presentations Green Skills for Global Change

difusión del meeting en Portugal Asociación de Prensa de Cantabria



12 de junio de 2014

Participation of students and teachers from Santa Clara Institute Comenius Project ‘Green Skills for Global Change’

Por Spanish Comenius team. IES Santa Clara (Santander).

We left our school early the rainy wednesday morning January 15th. We left by bus from Santander airport to Bilbao, the three teachers (Eliseo Rabadán, Francisco J. Alonso del Val and Azucena Santiago Echeverría) responsible, with four students (Jorge Garcia, Bruno Carral, Jesus Bedoya and Carla Alonso) of our institute.

We Arrived to Costa da Caparica, near Lisbon, where teachers of the international groups stayed. The families who hosted our four students (baccalaureate 1) took them to their homes, where they shared various experiences, as for example they watched a match of Benfica football team, their first night’s stay.
The second day at the Colegio Guadalupe (our host partner), we presented the student in the Portuguese school on the project: relationships and connections between the local / global in the heart of sustainable development and ecology. It was chosen by vote the common logo for our project.
We also visited Cabo de Roca where it is located the westernmost point of Europe, and we had a guided tour in English, in the Palacio da Pena, near the town of Sintra, in which students and teachers shared a meal in a hotel that used to visit the famous writer Eça de Queiroz.
One of the educational experiences directly linked to the contents of our own project, with interesting explanations guides by two specialists in sustainable development and organic crops, was the visit to Organic Farm in school.
We also visited the operation and history of organic wine company in Quinta do Sanguinhal Pombarral. A huge academic experience fertility for the group of teachers from the seven partner countries of the project: Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, France (Reunion Island), Holland, Denmark and Turkey. The explanations of our guide were truly admirable. There was also coexistence of teachers sharing the famous Portuguese fado music.
We had meetings to organize the next meeting in Slovenia will be the month of May. As a farewell, students and teachers had a dinner party, including music and dance for young students.
On Sunday, we flought back to Bilbao and from their home in Santander by bus. At home, each family gathered students and the student who had certainly lived an unforgettable experience.
We still have much work to do, the project will continue throughout this year and next. It is worth because we are learning and preparing all tools to enhance our abilities to adapt to the changes that the process of globalization brings us all from our local societies.

Etiquetas: Estudiantes, viaje, Comenius, Portugal, Lisboa

Ystanbul Turkey. Comenius 4th Meeting

Green Skills for Global Change el proyecto Comenius , continúa con los encuentros o meetings programados. El cuarto ha sido en Estambul Turquía), desde  el 5 al 9 de noviembre de 2014.

En enero de 2015 ( del 14 al 18) tenemos el 5º meeting en la ciudad de Emmen, Holanda.

El sexto y último será en Santander (Cantabria.España) en abril de 2015 , desde el 15 al 19

Algunas imágenes del Meetring en Turquía.

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